'Established in 1991'
Email: info@rslocksmiths.co.uk General Enquiries - 020 8362 0647 Whetstone Shop - 020 8362 0647 Cockfosters Shop - 020 8449 2789

Cockfosters Shop
R S Locksmiths - Cockfosters Shop
17 Heddon Court Parade
Cockfosters Road
The Cockfosters shop opened in December 2016, taking over the
store from Bowes Hardware, a family run hardware shop that was in
Cockfosters for more than 80 years.
R S Locksmiths saw an opportunity to carry on providing the residents of Cockfosters and the local community with the same DIY, Household and Hardware products, but with the added benefit of a local locksmith service and a strong CCTV and Home Security department. The shop has been beautifully kitted out, to give it a fresh, modern and comfortable interior.
Please feel free to pop into the shop if you are passing or if you have any enquiries, please call the shop on 020 8449 2789.
Shop Hours:
Monday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Saturday 8:30am – 1:30pm*
Sunday Closed
* Locksmith Services on Saturday can be arranged up until 7.00pm on 020 8362 0647
About Cockfosters
Cockfosters is a leafy North London suburb at the end of the Piccadilly Tube Line. Located partly in the London Borough of Enfield and partly in the London Borough of Barnet, Cockfosters is surrounded by the towns of Southgate, Oakwood, East Barnet, New Barnet and Hadley Wood.
Cockfosters has great community spirit and a strong local desire from the residents to support their local organisations and businesses.
At the north end of Cockfosters is the entrance to Trent Park, a 413 acre country park that gets thousands of visitors each year. People travel from all across the South-East to explore the many lakes, brooks and beautiful areas of woodland.
Cockfosters is a proud sporting town, with Cockfosters Football Club, Cockfosters Cricket Club, Southgate Compton Cricket Club and Cockfosters Bowling Club all playing on the facilities in Chalk Lane.
At the south end of Cockfosters is the Chickenshed Theatre Company which is an inclusive theatre company for adults and children. Founded in 1974, the Charity holds numerous activities and productions each month and is fondly supported by the residents of North London.